
Pole Vault Announcement: 

We have a new opportunity for those interested in pole vault. Coach Lawson and I have for years been wanting to get an indoor vault set up so kids would have the opportunity to practice pole vault during the fall and winter. Three things needed to happen to do this. We needed to acquire an elevated runway, a pole vault pit, and find a place big enough to house it. This past spring Pitt State Track and Field sold us their old runway and gifted us their old pit. This summer, Coach Lawson secured a location, Weir Bible Camp, to set it up. With this all coming together we are now ready to offer some fall and winter pole vault. While the facility is not technically indoors and doesn’t allow for a full approach, it is perfect for beginners, middle school kids, and short approach work for high school kids. In order to take advantage of this opportunity you will need to have an AAU membership with the Warriors, even if you do not plan on competing. I will attach a link with where to register below. The cost to have access to vaulting is going to be $60. This will cover the AAU membership and will allow the athlete to practice anytime Coach Lawson schedules a practice. If you would like to know more, please follow the instructions below on how to join BAND.


Band Sign-Up Info:

Band is a one stop spot for club information, such as updates on practices, calendar of events, photo sharing, and even the capability of doing some live streaming. There are two different levels of involvement with Band.  Option one is downloading the Band app to your smart phone, creating an account, and then joining the Girard Warriors Youth Track Club group.  You can also do this from your desktop computer by accessing Band’s website.  Option two simply requires you provide us with a cell phone number, an email, or both.

Option 1-1:  To download the Band app and connect with the Girard Warriors, click the following link:

Option 1-2: If you want to access the Band website from a computer, click the following link: